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KMI Kinder Morgan 킨더모건 3분기 실적발표 > 매출,손익,EPS 증가,현금흐름 감소,주당 배당금 증가 $0.27(+$


by 과객님 2021. 10. 22. 11:55



KMI 3분기 실적발표 Oct 20, 2021
3분기 실적은 증가했지만, 현금흐름의 감소에 대하여 시장은 실망하였고, Oil and GAS Stock 하락에 동반 대하락 하였지만, 과민 반응이라 보여지고(예전 나이키가 그랬던것처럼), 배당금은 증가하였으니, 배당주의 매력은 앞으로도 지속 될 예정. 인플레이션 분위기이고, 에너지 가격도 더 올라갈테니, 떨어졌을때 더 사야겠다.

매출 38억 달러 (YTY 9억 500만 달러 증가)
손익 4억 9500만 달러 (YTY +9% 증가)
주당순이익 $0.22 (YTY +$0.01)
현금흐름은 감소

주당 배당금 $0.27 (작년 3분기 대비 3% 증가)
년간 환산 배당금 $1.08
현주가가정 시가배당율 = $1.08 / $17.54 = 6.15%


we're declaring a dividend of $0.27 per share, which is $1.08 annualized and 3% up from the third quarter of last year. This quarter, we generated revenues of $3.8 billion, up $905 million from the third quarter of 2020.

We had an associated increase in cost of sales with an increase of $904 million, both of those increases driven by higher commodity prices versus last year. Our net income for the quarter was $495 million, up 9% from the third quarter of '20. And our adjusted earnings per share was $0.22, up $0.01 from last year. Moving on to our segment and distributable cash flow performance.


Kinder Morgan (KMI) Q3 2021 Earnings Call Transcript | The Motley Fool

KMI earnings call for the period ending September 30, 2021.



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